BARE - A contemporary pop-rock LGBT musical follows a group of high school students at a catholic boarding school grappling with their sexuality. While being taught to repress their feelings, Peter and Jason have fallen in love, but Jason, a popular athlete, fears losing his family, status, and life as he knows it if he is discovered to be gay.
As the group attempts to put up a production of Romeo and Juliet, tensions flare, self-doubt simmers, and God’s path seems more difficult to find than ever.
Featuring Jenny Woodward, QLD’s longest-running presenter on ABC television playing Peter’s mother Claire. With a stellar cast of over twenty of Brisbane’s best young performers. BARE will blow you away with it’s sung-through score, youthful energy, heart-pounding lyrics, and it’s an utterly honest look at the dangers of baring your soul, and the consequences of continuing to hide.
Director – Sue Rider
Musical Director – Shaun Kohlman